Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; His love endures forever. Psalm 106:1

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kite flying... Sort of...

Here's Luke ready to go...

and off he went as we chased him up and down the field and into the tennis courts...

Emma flew her kite and had a blast until it broke. Nele spent the whole time trying to untangle herself from her string. Emma jumped in and helped her.

Thomas tried his best to help everyone out with the kites. Two broken kites, we lost one kid, a crying baby, and a dog frantically trying to get loose. The day was officially over when the dog lifted up his leg and peed on the only kites that worked. Thomas and I looked at each other and laughed.

here's cutie with a big smile. Who would have thought kite flying with a dog and five kids six and under could be so much fun!?

Emma's dance recital...

This is Emma at her dance recital. She was so adorable up on stage. She has waited all year for this performance. We were so proud of her. She shined like a star!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Our new dog Aztec...

Meet Aztec. The newest addition to our family. We picked him up Sunday from a breeder in Gainsville. He is a fourteen month old Smooth Collie. We love him so much. He is a well behaved boy. He herds the kids around and loves all of the attention. The breeder was unable to keep him because she has other dogs and he needed more attention. She wants to try and complete his championship, however he is a very submissive dog and does not have the right temperament for the show ring. Perfect for us! We will have him for a year under contract. Within the year the breeder is allowed to show him and stud him out if she decides. After a year he is ours free and clear! We are so excited to have him in our home. We are enjoying getting to know him and I am looking forward to having a jogging buddy!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Red Top Mnt...

Last weekend we took the kids hiking. This is one of our very favorite things to do with the kids as a family. We had a blast. Luke was a little trail blazer.

Lunch break...

No fear...

There was so much to climb and crawl on...

Following the leader...

Noah was so excited to carry along his pocket knife.. We purchased the "Swiss army first pocket knife" for him. He wore it around his neck...

Luke called out Emma's name and they stayed close together. Emma is such a sweet big sister...

I love this picture of Nele...

Off they go...

So cute...

So adventures...

Emma and her new short doo...

All pooped out and ready to go home. What a fun day!

Happy belated Easter...

This was the hardest picture to capture. It did not turn out anything like I was hoping. Noah was trying to be silly. The girls would not look at the camera for the life of them, and the two little guys were off in a world of there own. So, here we are. Happy Easter a month late. Hope everyone had a better experience with pictures then we did:).

Easter Dinner was so yummy. We stayed home this year and ate as a family. It was a very relaxing day:).

Mom, Thanks for the China Plates. It was so fun to use them for a holiday. Love you.

Cindy's Baby shower

My neighbor and friend Cindy is expecting her second child in a couple of weeks. We took her to Tea Leaves and Thyme for a shower. I am so thakful and blessed to have such awesome friends and neighbors. Congratulations Cindy! Can't wait to see baby Cruz!

Our enertainer...

We have had alot of rain the past couple of months. One rainy morning Noah asked if we could take pictures. He wanted to take pictures of the girls and I. He was quite the crack up when he pointed the camera to us and said " smile " then turned the camera around and shot this picture of himself. He is the kid most like me. I often watch him and say " Is that how I really look or sound "?Thomas says "Yep, he's his mother's son".

Noah has become a good reader. Emma loves learning from her big brother.

Noah is very kind and thoughtful. He has a very big heart and loves to give. A couple friends and I took the kids to visit a nursing home Easter week. Noah was excited to make card's to hand out.

A friend and I took the kids shopping. We noticed the kids were gone so we looked down the isle next to us and here they were. What a crazy boy.

Our little ball of energy...

We think Penelope is going to be a great runner. Whenever we go on walks so takes off as fast as she can and bolts down the street. She keeps us all moving!

Penelope has grown in sharing with others. We are so thankful for how hard she is trying to make good choices and care for others. She is learning and growing everyday. She wake's up in the mornings and she will say to me "today I am going to obey" or " I'm not gonna be grumpy mommy". It has been so neat to see God working in her heart.

Penelope does not like taking photographs. It is very difficult to get her to smile. Every now and then I can catch her off guard in a candid shot. She has the cutest laugh. It is contagious. It makes you smile from the inside out.

Penelope had a hard time finding eggs this year. Daddy had to help her, but when she got some she was so excited!

Our little Helper...

Emma loves anything that has to do with art. Easter Egg dying in one of her favorites. I saved this project exspecially for her. She had so much fun dipping the eggs so carefully and designing them exactly how she wanted them...

Emma is my little helper. She loves to have special responsibilities and she usually responds cheerfully and obediently...

I am so thankful for Emma. Luke loves her so much. He goes to her when he gets hurt and he loves to curl up with her on the couch...

This is Emma and Lizzie her friend two houses down. Emma and Lizzie are best of buds. They are so fun to watch together. This is the picture before Emma and Lizzie played barber shop inside the house and cut their pretty hair. I don't think either of them will do that again!

Emma and Luke are very close. Emma was one of Luke's very first words. They are very sweet to watch together. Here They are hanging out on the couch.

Our boy with the mind of his own...

This is what I came home to standing in my driveway one afternoon. The kids always look interesting whenever they spend the morning with daddy!:)

Luke loves to hang out in any of Caleb's toys. This is a favorite seat of his...

I came upstairs from the basement to find Luke napping on the living room floor...

Look who escaped after bath and found a spot at the table...

We are working on this:). Toddlers are always fun at mealtime. I love Emma's bib he is wearing. This is about the only one he will keep on.