Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; His love endures forever. Psalm 106:1

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Tea Leaves and Thyme

This is a picture from a couple weeks ago. My neighbor Lizzie (center) celebrated her birthday October 31st. She turned four. She took Emma, Anisa and us moms to Tea Leaves and Thyme in Woodstock for an afternoon tea party. It was so much fun. Emma went to the tanning bed for the occasion. No, just kidding, but I did think it was funny how dark she looks in all the pictures. Emma is so thankful to have other little girls in the neighborhood to play with. As I am typing this the two girls are outside my house waiting for Emma to wake up from a nap so that she can come out and play. Thanks girls for being her friend.


maggie said...

That's so cute!!! You really scared me when you said Emma went to the tanning bed...that's my brain for me!

Just to let you know, since I don't have your e-mail address, I started my own blog

I miss you guys!